
Goat - Guild Guardian
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Goat commands

Goat has a wide variety of commands available.
You'll find application commands, as well as traditional commands for administration/moderation, fun/economy, music, utilities and action.

Select a category to view commands.

Application Commands

Application commands (Slash commands) enable much easier command execution.
With special option types and pre-defined options, mistakes are significantly reduced.

Command Name Description
about Get more information about Goat.
action Goat action commands.
admin Guild administration commands.
afk Give me an AFK message to give to anyone who mentions you or let me know you're back.
appeal Appeal against a warning.
backup Manages Discord server backups.
bug Reports a bug in Goat.
cooldowns Check your Goat rewards cooldowns.
credits Shows information about Goat's contributors.
dashboard Access the Goat Dashboard.
fun Goat fun commands.
giveaways Manages Goat Giveaways.
goats Check a user's Reputation Goat herd size and value.
help Get a list of Goat commands or get help on a specific command.
info Retrieve information about a channel, role, a user or the server.
invite Get more information about how to invite me to your server.
invites View the guild invites leaderboard.
leaderboard Show the Goat Levels leaderboard for the current guild.
level Check a user's Goat level and voice chat time in the current guild.
modchat Manages Goat Modchat.
moderation Goat moderation commands.
music Goat music commands.
ping Ping/Pong command to test server response time.
profile View or edit your Goat Profile or view another user's profile.
reactionroles Manage reaction roles.
reddit Create, remove or get information about a Reddit watcher in the current channel.
reminder Set a reminder and get a DM when it is due.
repeat Create or remove a repeated message in the current channel.
report Report a member on the server to the administrators.
reports Manage member reports.
reputation Manage Reputation Goats.
resetcooldowns Reset Goat cooldowns.
scan Scan a url for malware.
setlevel Set a user's Goat level.
settings Manages Goat settings.
setvoice Set a user's voice chat time.
stats Displays bot statistics.
sticky Create or remove a sticky message in the current channel.
streams View active live streams for your favourite streamers.
suggest Submit a suggestion for the current server.
support Get support for Goat by joining the support server.
ticket Creates, closes or retrieves information about a Goat Ticket.
tickets Manages Goat Tickets and creates embedded messages with a button for users to create new tickets.
utility Goat utility commands.
vanity Manages Goat Vanity Links.
voice Manage membership for private voice channels.
vote Vote for Goat and the Goat Support Server.
voters Show the Goat Vote Rewards leaderboard for the current guild.
warnings Manage Goat Warnings.

Administration and moderation

Administration and moderation commands enable rapid, comprehensive management of your Discord servers.

Command Name Aliases Enabled Description Usage
addrole None true Adds a role to a user. addrole <user> <role>
announce None true Sends an announcement to the specified channel. announce <channel> <announcement>
backup None true Manages Discord server backups. backup <create/restore/destroy/info>
ban None true Bans the mentioned user. ban <user> <reason>
channel None true Manages channels. channel <create> <text|forum|voice|stage|news|category> <name> <category_ID (Optional)> | <delete> <channel_id/mention> | <rename|clone> <channel_id/mention> <new_channel_name> | <category> <channel_id/mention> <category_id> | <topic> <channel_id/mention> <new_topic (Optional)> | <nsfw> <channel_id/mention> <enable|disable> | <position> <channel_id/mention> <numerical_position> | <createstage> <channel_id/mention> <privacy_level> <stage_topic> | <deletestage> <channel_id/mention>
disconnect None true Disconnect a user from a voice or stage channel. disconnect <user> <reason>
dm None true Sends a DM to a user. dm <user> <message>
embed None true Create an embedded message using the Goat Embed Builder. embed <channel (Optional)>
event None true Manages events. event <create> <stage|voice|external> <name> <location> <start_time> <end_time (required for external events)> <description (optional)> | <edit> <event_id> <stage|voice|external> <name> <location> <start_time> <end_time (required for external events)> <description (optional)> | <delete> <event_id> | <view>
forceban hackban true Force ban a user. forceban <user> <reason>
giveaways None true Manages Goat Giveaways. giveaways <create> <channel> <prize> <end-date/time> | <delete|end|members> <channel> | <addmember|removemember> <channel> <member> | <list>
kick None true Kicks the mentioned user. kick <user> <reason>
lockdown None true Lock a channel down for all users, a specific user or a specific role. lockdown | lockdown <channel> <user/role> | lockdown <user/role>
move None true Move a user between voice channels. move <user> <channel ID>
mute unmute true Mute or unmute members. mute <mute|unmute> <user> <reason>
poll None true Create a poll in the specified channel. poll <channel> <poll content>
purge prune true Purges a specified number of messages from a given channel. purge <all|bots|user|author> <user (Only with user parameter)> <amount> <channel (Optional)>
react None true Reacts to a message with one or more reactions in the name of Goat. react <message_id> <emoji> <emoji2> etc
reactionroles reactionrole,rr true Manage reaction roles. reactionroles <add|edit> <single|stacked> <message_id> <role_id/mention> <emoji> <dm (optional)> | <remove> <message_id> <role_id/mention> <emoji> | <view>
reddit None true Create, remove or get information about a Reddit watcher in the current channel. reddit <create> <sub|user> <sub/user> <user (Optional) (Only if type is sub)> | <delete> | <info>
removerole None true Removes a role from a user. It works the same as as adding a role to a user. removerole <user> <role>
rename None true Rename a user. rename <user|userID> <newname>
renameserver renameguild true Renames the current guild. renameserver <new guild name>
repeat None true Create or remove a repeated message in the current channel. repeat <create> <text|embed> <interval> <message> | <delete> | <info>
reports None true Manage member reports. reports <clear> <user> <amount> | <view>
role None true Manages server roles. role <create|delete> <role name/mention> | <rename> <role_name/mention> <new_role_name> | <colour> <role_name/mention> <colour> | <icon> <role_name/mention> <icon/emoji> | <emoji> <role_name/mention> <emoji> | <hoisted|mentionable> <role_name/mention> <enable|disable> | <position> <role_name/mention> <numerical_position>
say None true Sends a message in the name of Goat. say <message>
setlevel None true Set a user's Goat level. setlevel <user> <level>
settings None true Manages Goat settings. settings <dashboard|current|template|upload (file upload)>
setvoice None true Set a user's voice chat time. setvoice <user> <time (d, h, m, s)>
slowmode None true Configure slowmode for the current channel. slowmode <percentage (5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 100 or off)> <reason>
softban None true Soft Ban a user. softban <user> <reason>
sticky None true Create or remove a sticky message in the current channel. sticky <create> <text|embed> <message> | <delete> | <info>
tempmute softmute true Temporary mute the mentioned user. tempmute <user> <time>
thread None true Manages threads. thread <create> <public|private|news> <name> <auto-archive_duration (Hours)> <reason> | <delete> <thread_name> | <rename> <old_thread_name> <new_thread_name> | <archive|unarchive|lock|unlock|join|leave> <thread_name> | <addmember|removemember> <thread_name> <member|role>
tickets None true Manages Goat Tickets and creates embedded messages with a button for users to create new tickets. tickets <embed> <message text> | <close> <user> | <clear> | <delete|reopen> <ticket channel> | <list>
timedlockdown None true Lock the current channel down for the specified duration. timedlockdown <duration>
timeout None true Manages timeouts for the specified user. timeout <set> <user> <time> <reason> | <clear> <user> <reason> | <view> <user>
tts None true Sends a TTS message in the name of Goat. tts <message>
unban None true Unbans the user. unban <user> <reason>
unlockdown None true Lift a lockdown in the current channel for all users, a specific user or a specific role. unlockdown | unlockdown <role> | unlockdown <user>
vanity None true Manages Goat Vanity Links. vanity <create> <vanity-string> | <delete> | <info>
warnings None true Manage Goat Warnings. warnings <clear> <user> <amount> | <view> | <warn> <user> <reason> | <warnlevel|clearappeals> <user>

Music playback

Music playback commands enable you to play music and manage the server queue.

Command Name Aliases Enabled Description Usage
autoplay None true Toggles autoplay on/off. autoplay
clearqueue None true Clears all songs from the music queue. clearqueue
fastforward ff true Fastforward the current track by a specified number of seconds. fastforward <seconds>
filter setfilter true Sets the music filter. filter <3d|bassboost|echo|karaoke|nightcore|vaporwave> <Off>
join None true Joins Goat to the voice channel you are currently in. join
jump None true Jumps to a specific track number in the queue. jump <number>
leave None true Disconnects Goat from a voice channel. leave
loop loops true Toggle between music loop modes. loop | loop <off|song|queue>
lyrics None true Fetches lyrics for the currently playing song. lyrics
nowplaying np true Shows the currently playing song. nowplaying
pause None true Pauses music playback. pause
play p true Plays music from a variety of sources including Youtube, Soundcloud, Spotify and many more. play <Song Name / URL>
player None true Create an interactive player to control music playback. player
playnext pn true Plays music from a variety of sources including Youtube, Soundcloud, Spotify and many more, adding the song to the start of the queue. playnext <Song Name / URL>
playqueue None true Plays a saved music queue belonging to you or another user. playqueue | playqueue <user>
playthis None true Plays an uploaded audio file. playthis
previous prev true Skipps to the previous track in the queue. previous
queue None true Shows the current music queue. queue
remove None true Removes a song from the music queue. remove <song-number>
removequeue None true Removes your existing saved music queue. removequeue
resume None true Resumes music playback. resume
rewind rw true Rewind the current track by a specified number of seconds. rewind <seconds>
savequeue None true Saves the current queue for future playing by you or your friends. savequeue
seek None true Seek to a different track position. seek <seconds>
shuffle None true Shuffles the queue. shuffle
skip next true Skipps to the next track in the queue. skip
stop None true Stops music playback. stop
upnext None true Shows the next song to be played. upnext
volume vol true Sets the music playback volume. volume <number from 1 to 100>

Economy and fun

Goat includes numerous economy related commands including plenty of games.

Command Name Aliases Enabled Description Usage
advice None true get life advice advice
comic None true Generate a random comic. comic
goatiac None true Find out your Goatiac sign and personality traits. goatiac <month> <day>
leaderboard None true Show the Goat Levels leaderboard for the current guild. leaderboard
level None true Check a user's Goat level and voice chat time in the current guild. level | level <user>
meme None true Generate a random meme. meme
voters None true Show the Goat Vote Rewards leaderboard for the current guild. voters


Goat includes plenty of utilities ranging from server information commands to currency and unit conversion commands. Check out the unique list of commands below.

Command Name Aliases Enabled Description Usage
about None true Get more information about Goat. about
afk None true Give me an AFK message to give to anyone who mentions you or let me know you're back. afk <enable|on> <message> | afk <disable|off>
avatar None true Fetches a user's avatar. avatar <user>
bmi None true Calculate Your BMI. ?bmi <weight in kilograms> <height in centimetres>
bug None true Reports a bug in Goat. bug <bug report>
calculate calc,calculator,math true perform simple and complex mathematical equations. calculate <equation>
channelinfo threadinfo true Displays information about a channel or thread. channelinfo | channelinfo <channel>
covid corona true Track country-wide COVID19 cases. covid <country|all>
credits None true Shows information about Goat's contributors. credits
currency None true Convert between currencies with highly accurate results. currency <amount> <Base currency> <Target currency>
dashboard None true Access the Goat Dashboard. dashboard
editprofile None true Edit your Goat profile. editprofile
hastebin pastebin true Post a code snippit to Hastebin. hastebin <code>
help h,commands,cmd true Get a list of Goat commands or get help on a specific command. help | help <command>
invite invitation true Get more information about how to invite me to your server. invite
morse None true Convert a message in to morse code. morse <message>
ocr None true Detect text in images using OCR. ocr <image-url>
permissions perms true Display the current Discord server permissions for yourself or another user. permissions | permissions <user>
ping None true Ping/Pong command to test server response time. ping
profile None true View a user's Goat profile. profile | profile <user>
randomuser None true Returns a random user from a specified role. randomuser <role>
reminder None true Set a reminder and get a DM when it is due. reminder <time (1s, 1m, 1h)> <reminder>
report None true Report a member on the server to the administrators. report <user> <report reason>
roleinfo None true Displays information about a role. roleinfo <role>
serverinfo guildinfo true Displays information about the server. serverinfo
shorten None true Shorten a URL. shorten <URL>
stats status true Displays bot statistics. stats
suggest None true Submit a suggestion for the current server. suggest <suggestion>
support None true Get support for Goat by joining the support server. support
ticket None true Creates, closes or retrieves information about a Goat Ticket. ticket <create> <ticket-name> | <close> | <info>
timer None true Create a timer. timer <time>
unit convert true Convert units of measurement with highly accurate results. unit <amount> <Base unit> <Target unit>
uptime None true Shows how long Goat has been online for. uptime
userinfo user,userstats true Displays information about a user. userinfo <user>
voice None true View and manage membership for private voice channels. voice <add|remove> <member|role> | <view>
vote upvote true Vote for Goat and the Goat Support Server. vote
weather None true Get The Weather forecast for a specific location. weather <temperature unit (C|F)> <location>
zodiac None true Find out the zodiac sign associated with a given month and day. zodiac <month> <day>


Goat includes various action commands to enable virtual interaction with your friends.
Some of the available action commands use unique imagery related to goats.

Command Name Aliases Enabled Description Usage
cry sad true Use when you are sad and want to tell the world. cry
feed cake true Feeds someone OwO feed
headbutt None true Headbutts someone. headbutt <user>
highfive None true High fives someone. highfive <user>
hug cuddle true Hugs someone, or a group of people. hug <user> | <user1> <user2> <user3> etc
pat None true Pats someone. pat <user>
poke None true Pokes someone. poke <user>
punch None true Punches a user. punch <user>
slap None true Slaps someone. slap <user>
smack None true Smacks a user. smack <user>
smug None true Smug action. smug
wave hi true Say hello to a user. wave <@user>
wink None true Winks at someone. wink <user>


Get support for Goat on the official Goat bot - Support Server.

View Goat on the Discord App Directory.

© 2021-2025 @codegoat_dev