
Goat - Guild Guardian
Serving 564 Servers

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Online Documentation

Welcome to Goat.
This documentation will help you get started with Goat, as well as configure his more advanced features.

A comprehensive set of guides is available here to help you get started with Goat's many features.
You will learn the basics including inviting Goat and ensuring he is able to manage your server, member welcoming, reaction roles and levelling.
You will additionally learn about the more advanced Goat features such as automatic role assignment, levelling roles, Goat Tickets, Private Voice Chat, Stream Monitor, Goat Starboard and message filters.

The documentation is split in to chapters.
Each chapter contains a number of topics.

Note that this documentation assumes that you are setting up a new Discord server.
If you are using an already established Discord server, you will need to adapt the provided instructions to suit your environment.

Available Chapters

  1. Introduction To Goat
  2. Inviting Goat
  3. Basic Server Configuration
  4. Server Moderation
  5. Advanced Server Configuration
  6. Support

Advanced Server Configuration

This chapter covers advanced Discord server configuration.
You will learn how to setup advanced Goat features such as automatic role assignment, levelling roles, starboard, private voice chat and tickets.

Select a topic to start.

Automatic Role Assignment

Automatic role assignment enables you to automatically add specific roles to members when they join your Discord server.
Automatic role assignment can add an additional layer of security to hardened servers by restricting new members until roles are manually removed by moderators.

The instructions below will help you configure automatic role assignment.

Discord Server Configuration

The first step is to configure your Discord server.

  1. In Discord, locate the server you want to configure and open server settings.
  2. navigate to the "Manage Roles" page.
  3. Create as many new roles as you want to assign to new members.
  4. For each new role you create, specify permissions as required for your configuration.
  5. Right-click each new role and copy the id for later.
  6. Save the changes and close.

You have now prepared your Discord server for automatic role assignment.

Goat Configuration

Now you have your Discord server prepared, you'll need to configure Goat to assign the roles to new members.

  1. Visit the Goat Dashboard.
  2. Click the "Login With Discord" button at the top of the page and login using a Discord account with the "Manage Server" permission on the server you are configuring.
  3. Once logged in, click the "Menu" button and click the "Dashboard" link.
  4. In the list of available servers, select your Discord server by clicking the "Edit Settings" link.
  5. In the list of categories, click the "Member Management" button.
  6. In the "Automatically Assign Roles" dropdown, select "Enable".
  7. In the "Automatically Assigned Roles" field, paste the ids of the roles you want to automatically assign separated by a comma.
  8. Click the "Save Settings" button to apply the changes.

You have now enabled automatic role assignment for your server. Any new server members will receive the roles you specified.
Note that existing members will not receive the configured roles.

Levelling Roles

Levelling roles enables you to reward members when they reach specified Goat levels.
You can use levelling roles as a way of publicising member experience or providing a tiered access system.

The instructions below will help you configure levelling roles.

Discord Server Configuration

The first step is to configure your Discord server.

  1. In Discord, locate the server you want to configure and open server settings.
  2. navigate to the "Manage Roles" page.
  3. Create as many new roles as you want depending on your needs.
  4. Specify role permissions as required for your configuration.
  5. Right-click each new role and copy the id for later.
  6. Save the changes and close.

You have now prepared your Discord server for levelling roles.

Goat Configuration

Now you have your Discord server prepared, you'll need to configure Goat to assign levelling roles.

  1. Visit the Goat Dashboard.
  2. Click the "Login With Discord" button at the top of the page and login using a Discord account with the "Manage Server" permission on the server you are configuring.
  3. Once logged in, click the "Menu" button and click the "Dashboard" link.
  4. In the list of available servers, select your Discord server by clicking the "Edit Settings" link.
  5. In the list of categories, click the "Levelling System" button.
  6. In the "Enable Levelling Roles" dropdown, select "Enable".
  7. Specify your levelling roles exactly as directed in the "Levelling Roles" field.
  8. Click the "Save Settings" button to apply the changes.

You have now enabled Goat levelling roles.
Note that existing members will not automatically receive the levelling roles you define.

Goat Starboard

The Goat Starboard enables your members to star messages in your server by reacting with a dedicated emoji.
Starred messages are shown in a dedicated channel with a link to the original message and the number of current stars.

The instructions below will help you configure the Goat Starboard.

Discord Server Configuration

The first step is to configure your Discord server.

  1. In Discord, locate the server you want to configure and create a new text channel in the "Welcome" category named "starboard" or similar.
  2. Edit the "starboard" channel you just created and on the "Permissions" page, do the following:
  3. Save the changes and close.
  4. Now open your Discord server settings and navigate to the "Emoji" page.
  5. Click the "Upload Emoji" button and browse for a suitable image to use, then give your new emoji a name.
  6. Save the changes and close.

You have now prepared your Discord server for the Goat Starboard.

Goat Configuration

Now you have your Discord server prepared, you'll need to configure the Goat Starboard.

  1. Visit the Goat Dashboard.
  2. Click the "Login With Discord" button at the top of the page and login using a Discord account with the "Manage Server" permission on the server you are configuring.
  3. Once logged in, click the "Menu" button and click the "Dashboard" link.
  4. In the list of available servers, select your Discord server by clicking the "Edit Settings" link.
  5. In the list of categories, click the "Starboard" button.
  6. In the "Enable Starboard" dropdown, select "Enable".
  7. In the "Starboard Channel" dropdown, select the "starboard" channel you created earlier.
  8. In the "Starboard Emoji" dropdown, select the emoji you created earlier.
  9. If you want messages sent by bots to be able to be starred, in the "Star Bot Messages" dropdown, select "Enable".
  10. Click the "Save Settings" button to apply the changes.

You have now enabled the Goat Starboard on your server.

Server Suggestions

Server Suggestions enables your members to post suggestions for your server using a Goat command.
Suggestions are posted to a dedicated channel for members to view.

The instructions below will help you configure Server Suggestions.

Discord Server Configuration

The first step is to configure your Discord server.

  1. In Discord, locate the server you want to configure and create a new text channel in the "Administration" category named "suggestions" or similar.
  2. Edit the "suggestions" channel you just created and on the "Permissions" page, do the following:
  3. Save the changes and close.

You have now prepared your Discord server for Server Suggestions.

Goat Configuration

Now you have your Discord server prepared, you'll need to configure Server Suggestions in Goat.

  1. Visit the Goat Dashboard.
  2. Click the "Login With Discord" button at the top of the page and login using a Discord account with the "Manage Server" permission on the server you are configuring.
  3. Once logged in, click the "Menu" button and click the "Dashboard" link.
  4. In the list of available servers, select your Discord server by clicking the "Edit Settings" link.
  5. In the list of categories, click the "Server Suggestions" button.
  6. In the "Enable Suggestions" dropdown, select "Enable".
  7. In the "Suggestions Channel" dropdown, select the "suggestions" channel you created earlier.
  8. If you want suggestions to be posted anonymously, in the "Anonymous Suggestions" dropdown, select "Enable".
  9. Click the "Save Settings" button to apply the changes.

You have now enabled Server Suggestions on your server.

Server Advertising Service

The Server Advertising service provides advertisements for publically listed Discord servers.
You can use the Server Advertising service to advertise your own Discord servers to other servers.

The instructions below will help you configure the Server Advertising service.

Discord Server Configuration

The first step is to configure your Discord server.

  1. In Discord, locate the server you want to configure and create a new text channel named "server-advertisements" or similar.
  2. Edit the "server-advertisements" channel you just created and on the "Permissions" page, do the following:
  3. Save the changes and close.

You have now prepared your Discord server for the Server Advertising service.

Goat Configuration

Now you have your Discord server prepared, you'll need to enable and configure the Server Advertising service.
Additionally, you will need to create a publically listed Goat Vanity Link.

  1. Visit the Goat Dashboard.
  2. Click the "Login With Discord" button at the top of the page and login using a Discord account with the "Manage Server" permission on the server you are configuring.
  3. Once logged in, click the "Menu" button and click the "Dashboard" link.
  4. In the list of available servers, select your Discord server by clicking the "Edit Settings" link.
  5. In the list of categories, click the "Server Advertising" button.
  6. In the "Enable Server Advertising" dropdown, select "Enable".
  7. In the "Server Advertisements Channel" dropdown, select the channel you created when configuring your Discord server.
  8. Click the "Save Settings" button to apply the changes.
  9. If you want to advertise your own server, in Discord, locate your welcome channel.
  10. Use the "/vanity create" command to create a new Goat Vanity Link, making sure to make the link public.

You have now enabled the Goat Server Advertising service.

Goat Private Voice Chat

Goat Private Voice Chat enables your members to conduct voice chats in a private, secure channel.
Members who create private voice channels can add and remove access for other members using a command.

The instructions below will help you configure Goat Private Voice Chat.

Discord Server Configuration

The first step is to configure your Discord server.

  1. In Discord, locate the server you want to configure and create a new voice channel named "Create Private Voice" or similar.
  2. Edit the "Create Private Voice" channel you just created and on the "Permissions" page, do the following:
  3. Save the changes and close.
  4. Create a new channel category called "Private Voice Channels" or similar.
  5. Edit the "Private Voice Channels" category you just created and on the "Permissions" page, do the following:
  6. Save the changes and close.

You have now prepared your Discord server for Goat Private Voice Chat.

Goat Configuration

Now you have your Discord server prepared, you'll need to configure Goat Private Voice Chat.

  1. Visit the Goat Dashboard.
  2. Click the "Login With Discord" button at the top of the page and login using a Discord account with the "Manage Server" permission on the server you are configuring.
  3. Once logged in, click the "Menu" button and click the "Dashboard" link.
  4. In the list of available servers, select your Discord server by clicking the "Edit Settings" link.
  5. In the list of categories, click the "Private Voice Chat" button.
  6. In the "Enable Private Voice Chat" dropdown, select "Enable".
  7. In the "Trigger Channel" dropdown, select the "Create Private Voice" channel you created earlier.
  8. In the "Channel Category" dropdown, select the "Private Voice Channels" category you created earlier.
  9. Click the "Save Settings" button to apply the changes.

You have now enabled Goat Private Voice Chat on your server.

Goat Tickets

Goat Tickets enables you to provide a professional and secure support experience to your members.
Members who create Goat Tickets can chat privately with your support staff and can close the ticket when the issue is resolved.

The instructions below will help you configure Goat Tickets.

Discord Server Configuration

The first step is to configure your Discord server.

  1. In Discord, locate the server you want to configure and open server settings.
  2. Navigate to the "Manage Roles" page.
  3. Create a new role named "Support" or similar.
  4. Save the changes and close.
  5. Create a new channel in the "Administration" category called "ticket-notifications" or similar.
  6. Edit the "ticket-notifications" channel you just created and on the "Permissions" page, do the following:
  7. Save the changes and close.
  8. Create two new channel categories called "Open Tickets" and "Archived Tickets" or similar.
  9. Edit the "Open Tickets" category and on the permissions page, do the following:
  10. Save the changes and close.
  11. Repeat steps 9 and 10 for the "Archived Tickets" category.
  12. Create a new channel called "get-support" or similar.
  13. Edit the "get-support" channel you created earlier and on the "Permissions" page, do the following:
  14. Save the changes and close.

You have now prepared your Discord server for Goat Tickets.

Goat Configuration

Now you have your Discord server prepared, you'll need to configure Goat Tickets.

  1. Visit the Goat Dashboard.
  2. Click the "Login With Discord" button at the top of the page and login using a Discord account with the "Manage Server" permission on the server you are configuring.
  3. Once logged in, click the "Menu" button and click the "Dashboard" link.
  4. In the list of available servers, select your Discord server by clicking the "Edit Settings" link.
  5. In the list of categories, click the "Goat Tickets" button.
  6. In the "Enable Goat Tickets" dropdown, select "Enable."
  7. In the "Ticket Notifications Channel" dropdown, select the "ticket-notifications" channel you created earlier.
  8. In the "Ticket Responder Role" dropdown, select the "Support" role you created earlier."
  9. In the "Open Tickets Category" dropdown, select the "Open Tickets" category you created earlier.
  10. Optionally specify a custom ticket opening message in the provided field.
  11. Optionally specify a custom ticket closure message in the provided field.
  12. If you want Goat to use voice channels when members create tickets, in the "Use Voice Tickets" dropdown, select "Enable".
  13. In the "Archive Closed Tickets" dropdown, select "Enable".
  14. In the "Archived Tickets Category" dropdown, select the "Archived Tickets" category you created earlier.
  15. If you want ticket creators to be able to access their tickets after they have been archived, in the "Archived Ticket Owner Access" dropdown, select "Enable".
  16. Click the "Save Settings" button to apply the changes.
  17. In Discord, switch to the "get-support" channel you created earlier and type "/tickets embed" to create an embedded message with a button to open a new ticket.

You have now enabled Goat Tickets on your server.

Goat Birthdays

Goat Birthdays enables you to reward your members when their birthday arrives.
A notification will be sent in your server for members who specify their birthday in their Goat Profile.
You can additionally reward members with a special birthday role which will be automatically removed when their birthday is over.

The instructions below will help you configure Goat Birthdays.

Discord Server Configuration

The first step is to configure your Discord server.

  1. In Discord, locate the server you want to configure and create a new text channel in the "Welcome" category named "birthdays" or similar.
  2. Edit the "birthdays" channel you just created and on the "Permissions" page, do the following:
  3. Save the changes and close.
  4. Now open your Discord server settings and navigate to the "Manage Roles" page.
  5. Create a new role named "Birthdays" or similar.
  6. Save the changes and close.

You have now prepared your Discord server for Goat Birthdays.

Goat Configuration

Now you have your Discord server prepared, you'll need to configure Goat Birthdays.

  1. Visit the Goat Dashboard.
  2. Click the "Login With Discord" button at the top of the page and login using a Discord account with the "Manage Server" permission on the server you are configuring.
  3. Once logged in, click the "Menu" button and click the "Dashboard" link.
  4. In the list of available servers, select your Discord server by clicking the "Edit Settings" link.
  5. In the list of categories, click the "Goat Birthdays" button.
  6. In the "Birthday Messages" dropdown, select "Enable".
  7. In the "Birthday Messages Channel" dropdown, select the "birthdays" channel you created earlier.
  8. Optionally specify a custom birthday message and image URL.
  9. In the "Assign Birthday Role" dropdown, select "Enable".
  10. In the "Birthday Role" dropdown, select the "Birthdays" role you created earlier.
  11. Click the "Save Settings" button to apply the changes.

You have now enabled Goat Birthdays on your server.

Goat Vote Rewards

Goat Vote Rewards enables you to reward your members for voting for your Discord server on supported bot/server lists.
Members who vote for your server will be rewarded with a temporary role which will be automatically removed in 12 hours.
Goat Vote Rewards requires a server listing on at least one bot/server list which supports webhooks.

The instructions below will help you configure Goat Vote Rewards.

Discord Server Configuration

The first step is to configure your Discord server.

  1. In Discord, locate the server you want to configure and open server settings.
  2. Navigate to the "Manage Roles" page.
  3. Create a new role named "Server Voters" or similar.
  4. Optionally create new roles to apply to members who achieve specific vote counts.
  5. Save the changes and close.
  6. Create a new channel in the "Welcome" category called "vote-notifications" or similar.

You have now prepared your Discord server for Goat Vote Rewards.

Goat Configuration

Now you have your Discord server prepared, you'll need to configure Goat Vote Rewards.

  1. Visit the Goat Dashboard.
  2. Click the "Login With Discord" button at the top of the page and login using a Discord account with the "Manage Server" permission on the server you are configuring.
  3. Once logged in, click the "Menu" button and click the "Dashboard" link.
  4. In the list of available servers, select your Discord server by clicking the "Edit Settings" link.
  5. In the list of categories, click the "Vote Rewards" button.
  6. In the "Enable Vote Rewards" dropdown, select "Enable".
  7. In the "Vote Rewards Notifications Channel" dropdown, select the "vote-notifications" channel you created earlier.
  8. In the "Vote Reward Role" dropdown, select the "Server Voters" role you created earlier.
  9. If desired, specify a custom reward message and background image URL in the provided fields.
  10. If you want your members to be reminded when they can next vote, in the "Enable Vote Reminders" dropdown, select "Enable".
  11. If you created roles to apply to members who achieve specific vote counts, in the "Enable Achievement Roles" dropdown, select "Enable" and specify your vote counts and achievement roles exactly as directed.
  12. If your bot lists support specifying a webhook password, in the "Webhook Authentication" dropdown, select "Enable" and specify a webhook password in the provided field.
  13. In the "Webhook URL" field, select and copy the provided URL.
  14. Click the "Save Settings" button to apply the changes.
  15. Visit the bot/server lists on which you are registered and edit the entry.
  16. Paste your webhook URL in the provided field, taking care to provide the webhook authentication password if required.

You have now enabled Goat Vote Rewards on your server.

Live Stream Monitor

With the Goat Stream Monitor service, you can monitor live streams for various streaming platforms.
Goat monitors specified users and sends notifications when they start streaming.
Notifications are sent to a designated channel and include useful information about live user and streams.
Goat currently supports monitoring Twitch and Kick streams.

The instructions below will help you configure the Stream Monitor service.

Discord Server Configuration

The first step is to configure your Discord server.

  1. In Discord, locate the server you want to configure and create a new text channel named "live-streams" or similar.
  2. Edit the "live-streams" channel you just created and on the "Permissions" page, do the following:
  3. Save the changes and close.

You have now prepared your Discord server for live stream notifications.

Goat Configuration

Now you have your Discord server prepared, you'll need to enable and configure the Stream Monitor service.

  1. Visit the Goat Dashboard.
  2. Click the "Login With Discord" button at the top of the page and login using a Discord account with the "Manage Server" permission on the server you are configuring.
  3. Once logged in, click the "Menu" button and click the "Dashboard" link.
  4. In the list of available servers, select your Discord server by clicking the "Edit Settings" link.
  5. In the list of categories, click the "Live Stream Monitor" button.
  6. In the "Enable Goat Stream Monitor" dropdown, select "Enable".
  7. In the "Stream Monitor Notifications Channel" dropdown, select the channel you created when configuring your Discord server.
  8. If you want to monitor Twitch streams, in the "Enable Twitch Stream Monitor" dropdown, select "Enable"
  9. In the "Monitored Twitch Users (Separated By Comma)" field, type the user login names of all the Twitch users you want Goat to monitor, separating each with a comma.
  10. If you want to monitor Kick streams, in the "Enable Kick Stream Monitor" dropdown, select "Enable"
  11. In the "Monitored Kick Users (Separated By Comma)" field, type the user login names of all the Twitch users you want Goat to monitor, separating each with a comma.
  12. Click the "Save Settings" button to apply the changes.

You have now enabled the Goat Stream Monitor service.


Get support for Goat on the official Goat bot - Support Server.

View Goat on the Discord App Directory.

© 2021-2024 @codegoat_dev