
Goat - Guild Guardian
Serving 547 Servers

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Online Documentation

Welcome to Goat.
This documentation will help you get started with Goat, as well as configure his more advanced features.

A comprehensive set of guides is available here to help you get started with Goat's many features.
You will learn the basics including inviting Goat and ensuring he is able to manage your server, member welcoming, reaction roles and levelling.
You will additionally learn about the more advanced Goat features such as automatic role assignment, levelling roles, Goat Tickets, Private Voice Chat, Stream Monitor, Goat Starboard and message filters.

The documentation is split in to chapters.
Each chapter contains a number of topics.

Note that this documentation assumes that you are setting up a new Discord server.
If you are using an already established Discord server, you will need to adapt the provided instructions to suit your environment.

Available Chapters

  1. Introduction To Goat
  2. Inviting Goat
  3. Basic Server Configuration
  4. Server Moderation
  5. Advanced Server Configuration
  6. Support

Basic Server Configuration

This chapter covers basic Discord server configuration.
You will learn how to setup a basic welcome experience for new members, as well as how to configure features such as logging and levelling.

Select a topic to start.

Welcoming Members

Welcoming members to your server is an important step in ensuring your members want to stay.
The welcome message and image can be customised to provide any information your members need to get started.
You can additionally provide more information about your server using variables linked to specific information.

The instructions below will help you configure the welcome experience.

Discord Server Configuration

The first step is to configure your Discord server.

  1. In Discord, locate the server you want to configure and create a new channel category called "Welcome" or similar.
  2. Move the new category to the top of your channel list by dragging it.
  3. Edit the new category and on the "Permissions" page, do the following:
  4. Save the changes and close.
  5. Create a new text channel in the "Welcome" category called "welcome" or similar.

Now proceed to configure Goat.

Goat Configuration

Now you have your Discord server prepared, you'll need to configure Goat to welcome new members.

  1. Visit the Goat Dashboard.
  2. Click the "Login With Discord" button at the top of the page and login using a Discord account with the "Manage Server" permission on the server you are configuring.
  3. Once logged in, click the "Menu" button and click the "Dashboard" link.
  4. In the list of available servers, select your Discord server by clicking the "Edit Settings" link.
  5. In the list of categories, click the "Member Management" button.
  6. In the "Welcome New Members" dropdown, select "Enable".
  7. In the "Welcome Channel" dropdown, select the channel you created when configuring your Discord server.
  8. Provide a custom welcome message and background image URL in the "Custom Welcome Message" and "Welcome Image Background" fields as you wish. You can use variables in your message.
  9. Configure welcome and leaving direct messages as you wish.
  10. Click the "Save Settings" button to apply the changes.

You have now enabled new member welcoming for your server.

You can follow the same guide for leaving message configuration, otherwise leaving messages will be sent to the welcome channel.
The same applies to server boost notifications.
Note that leaving messages can be disabled in the "Member Management" settings.

Live Member Count

You can optionally provide a live member count channel in your Discord server.
Live member count channels enable you to publically display your member count to other server members.
They are not used for communication, more as decoration for your server.

The instructions below will help you configure a live member count channel for your server.

Discord Server Configuration

The first step is to configure your Discord server.

  1. In Discord, locate the server you want to configure and create a new voice channel called "Member Count" or similar.
  2. Move the new channel to the top of your channel list by dragging it.
  3. Edit the new channel and on the "Permissions" page, do the following:
  4. Save the changes and close.

Now proceed to configure Goat.

Goat Configuration

Now you have your Discord server prepared, you'll need to configure Goat to work with your member count channel.

  1. Visit the Goat Dashboard.
  2. Click the "Login With Discord" button at the top of the page and login using a Discord account with the "Manage Server" permission on the server you are configuring.
  3. Once logged in, click the "Menu" button and click the "Dashboard" link.
  4. In the list of available servers, select your Discord server by clicking the "Edit Settings" link.
  5. In the list of categories, click the "Member Management" button.
  6. In the "Live Member Count" dropdown, select "Enable".
  7. In the "Member Count Channel" dropdown, select the channel you created when configuring your Discord server.
  8. In the "Member Count Channel Prefix" field, optionally specify a prefix for the channel.
  9. Click the "Save Settings" button to apply the changes.

You have now enabled Live Member Count for your server.

Reaction Roles

Reaction roles help secure your Discord server against unwanted members or raids.
They also enable you to propperly enforce rules and regulations because your members agree to your terms before they can access the rest of the server.

The instructions below will help you configure a reaction role and apply permissions to secure your server

Discord Server Configuration

The first step is to configure your Discord server.

  1. In Discord, locate the server you want to configure and create a new text channel in the "Welcome" category you created earlier named "rules" or similar.
  2. Now open your Discord server settings and navigate to the "Manage Roles" page.
  3. Create a new role named "Members" or similar.
  4. Save the changes and close.
  5. Edit each of your channel categories Except the "Welcome" category and on the "Permissions" page, do the following:
  6. Save the changes and close.

You have now prepared your Discord server for the new reaction role.

Goat Configuration

Now you have your Discord server prepared, you'll need to create your reaction role using Goat.

  1. In the "rules" channel, type "/moderation message embed" to create a new embedded message. Answer all questions when prompted and take note of the reaction you choose to apply to the message in the last step.
  2. If you used a built in emoji for your reaction, skip this step. If you used a custom emoji, type "\:emoji:" where "emoji" is the name of your emoji and send the message. Take note of the numeric id of the emoji.
  3. Right-click the embedded message you just created and copy the id. If you don't see an option to copy the id, enable developer mode in your Discord client settings.
  4. Type /reactionroles create" to begin the reaction role creation. Choose the "Single" type, paste your message id, select the "Members" role and enter your emoji and then send the message.
  5. Test the new reaction role by clicking the reaction and verifying the role assignment.

You have now secured your server against raids and are actively requiring your members to agree to your rules before they can access.

Event Logging

Event logging is an important moderation tool.
Event logging ensures that all activity on your Discord server is recorded for later viewing.

The instructions below will help you configure logging for your server.

Discord Server Configuration

The first step is to configure your Discord server.

  1. In Discord, locate the server you want to configure and create a new channel category called "Administration" or similar.
  2. Now open your Discord server settings and navigate to the "Manage Roles" page.
  3. Create a new role named "Admins" or similar.
  4. Create a new role named "Moderators" or similar.
  5. Move the "Admins" role to just below the "Goat" role and move the "Moderators" role to just below the "Admins" role by dragging them in to position.
  6. Save the changes and close.
  7. Edit the "Administration" category you created earlier and on the "Permissions" page, do the following:
  8. Save the changes and close.
  9. Create a new text channel in the "Administration" category you created earlier named "activity-log" or similar.
  10. Create another new text channel in the "Administration" category you created earlier named "message-log" or similar.
  11. Create another new text channel in the "Administration" category you created earlier named "moderation-log" or similar.
  12. Edit the "activity-log" channel and on the "Permissions" page, do the following:
  13. Save the changes and close.
  14. Edit the "message-log" channel and on the "Permissions" page, do the following:
  15. Save the changes and close.
  16. Repeat steps 14 and 15 for the "moderation-log" channel.

You have now prepared your Discord server for event logging.

Goat Configuration

Now you have your Discord server prepared, you'll need to configure Goat to log server events.

  1. Visit the Goat Dashboard.
  2. Click the "Login With Discord" button at the top of the page and login using a Discord account with the "Manage Server" permission on the server you are configuring.
  3. Once logged in, click the "Menu" button and click the "Dashboard" link.
  4. In the list of available servers, select your Discord server by clicking the "Edit Settings" link.
  5. In the list of categories, click the "Logging" button.
  6. In the "Message Logging" dropdown, select "Enable".
  7. In the "Message Log Channel" dropdown, select the "message-log" channel you created earlier.
  8. Select the message events you want to log.
  9. In the "Activity Logging" dropdown, select "Enable".
  10. In the "Activity Log Channel" dropdown, select the "activity-log" channel you created earlier.
  11. Select the server events you want to log.
  12. In the "Moderation Logging" dropdown, select "Enable".
  13. In the "Moderation Log Channel" dropdown, select the "moderation-log" channel you created earlier.
  14. Select the additional moderation events you want to log.
  15. Click the "Save Settings" button to apply the changes.

You have now enabled event logging for your Discord server and can keep track of all activity performed from now on.

Levelling System

With Goat Levelling, you can reward your members for being active in your server.
Members can gain experience for each message they send and for each minute they spend in voice channels.

The instructions below will help you configure the levelling experience.

Discord Server Configuration

The first step is to configure your Discord server.

Note that if you intend to use the welcome channel for levelling notifications, you can skip this step.

  1. In Discord, locate the server you want to configure and create a new text channel in the "Welcome" category you created earlier named "levels" or similar.

You have now prepared your Discord server for levelling.

Goat Configuration

Now you have your Discord server prepared, you'll need to enable and configure the levelling system.

  1. Visit the Goat Dashboard.
  2. Click the "Login With Discord" button at the top of the page and login using a Discord account with the "Manage Server" permission on the server you are configuring.
  3. Once logged in, click the "Menu" button and click the "Dashboard" link.
  4. In the list of available servers, select your Discord server by clicking the "Edit Settings" link.
  5. In the list of categories, click the "Levelling System" button.
  6. In the "Levelling System" dropdown, select "Enable".
  7. In the "Levelling Notifications Channel" dropdown, select the channel you created when configuring your Discord server.
  8. If desired, adjust the experience multiplier, choose how members gain experience and specify a custom levelling notification message. You can use variables in your message.
  9. If you want the levelling system to ignore specific channels, specify channel ids separated by comma in the provided field.
  10. Click the "Save Settings" button to apply the changes.

You have now enabled the Goat levelling system.

You can optionally configure levelling roles to reward your members when they reach specific levels.
Levelling roles are covered in a later topic.

Ignored Channels

You can optionally specify channels which should be ignored by Goat.
Any messages sent in ignored channels will not be logged and Goat will not respond to commands.

If you just want to ignore channels from being filtered by message filters, each individual message filter has it's own ignored channels setting.

The instructions below will help you configure ignored channels.

Discord Server Configuration

The first step is to configure your Discord server.

  1. In Discord, locate the server you want to configure and in the channels list, locate one or more channels which you want Goat to ignore.
  2. Right-click each channel and copy the id for later.

You now have all the information you need.

Goat Configuration

Now you have your Discord server prepared, you'll need to configure ignored channels.

  1. Visit the Goat Dashboard.
  2. Click the "Login With Discord" button at the top of the page and login using a Discord account with the "Manage Server" permission on the server you are configuring.
  3. Once logged in, click the "Menu" button and click the "Dashboard" link.
  4. In the list of available servers, select your Discord server by clicking the "Edit Settings" link.
  5. In the list of categories, click the "Ignored Channels" button.
  6. In the "Ignore Channels" dropdown, select "Enable".
  7. In the provided field, paste your ignored channel ids separated by a comma.
  8. Click the "Save Settings" button to apply the changes.

You have now configured ignored channels.


Get support for Goat on the official Goat bot - Support Server.

View Goat on the Discord App Directory.

© 2021-2025 @codegoat_dev